- Optical tissue diagnostics - Biomedical spectroscopy
Raman, FTIR spectroscopy, Optical Coherence Tomography, X-ray techniques and electron microscopy for biomedical diagnosis. Diseased skin and bone structural profiles and biofluids are of primary interest. Read more about Deep Raman spectroscopy and skin cancer screening.
- Biophysics of drug design and action: computational modeling
Computational modeling methods to explore protein-, DNA-, membrane- interactions with small molecules with biological activity and drugs. Read more about Molecular Dynamics simulations on lipid bilayer models.
- Software for X-ray and neutron powder diffraction
- PowDLL
- GSAS Data Watcher (add-in for GSAS-I)
- Body composition
IAEA supported program: Applying Nuclear Techniques to Design and Evaluate Interventions to prevent and control Obesity in Adolescents in South-Eastern Europe. Using FTIR techniques we measure the content of deuterium oxide in saliva. Outcome report on our European collaboration.