Since August 2022, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, Greece. Previously, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor (Sept. 2019-August 2022), and as a Lecturer (July 2014-Sept. 2019) at the Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece. In the past, I held postdoctoral positions in various universities/research institutes: Specifically, I was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK (October 2011-July 2012), at FORTH, Greece (September 2013-July 2014), at the Dept. of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Postdoc fellowship awarded by the Research Committee of AUTH, January-December 2013) and at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis (MAESTRO Group), France through the ABCDE ERCIM fellowship program (May-July 2014, Marie Curie Actions).
My research interests focus on queueing theory, applied probability, stochastic operations research and performance modelling.
My research interests focus on queueing theory, applied probability, stochastic processes, and stochastic operations research.
11/2024: Accepted paper: "On dual risk models with proportional gains and dependencies" at Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (Cambridge University Press) (Initial submission
03/2024: New website for the laboratory of our group: DANOMA (Data Analysis and Operations Management Laboratory,
Department of Mathematics, Probability, Statistics and Operations Research Section
University of Ioannina, Greece). Follow the link:,
11/2023: Accepted paper "Some reflected autoregressive processes with dependencies" at Queueing Systems (Springer). Joint work with D. Fiems (U. Ghent, Belgium).
10/2023: I am honoured to join the Editorial Board of the journal "Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Springer (MCAP)".
Papers in Journals/Chapters
I. Dimitriou, (2024). On dual risk models with proportional gains and dependencies. Accepted, November 2024, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (Initial submission:
I. Adan, I. Dimitriou, (2023). A finite compensation procedure for a certain class of two-dimensional random walks. Indagationes Mathematicae, vol. 34 (5), pp. 891-935 (SI in honor of J.W. Cohen), DOI: 10.1016/j.indag.2023.05.007, ( [arXiv:2206.05031 final version].
I. Dimitriou, (2023). A single server retrial queue with event-dependent arrival rates. Annals of Operations Research, vol. 331, pp. 1053–1088, DOI:, [arXiv:2203.02757 Initial submitted version].
I. Dimitriou, (2023). The generalized join the shortest orbit queue system: Stability, exact tail asymptotics and stationary approximations, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol 37, pp. 154-191, doi:10.1017/S0269964821000528 (Arxiv preprint).
I. Dimitriou, (2022). Stationary analysis of certain Markov-modulated reflected random walks in the quarter plane, Annals of Operations Research, vol 310, pp. 35-387, (Online first June 2020), (Arxiv preprint).
I. Dimitriou (2021). The Join the Shortest Orbit Queue System with a Finite Priority Line, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol 13104, pp. 375-395.
I. Dimitriou, (2021). On partially homogeneous nearest-neighbour random walks in the quarter plane and their application in the analysis of two-dimensional queues with limited state-dependency, Queueing Systems 98 (1-2), pp. 95-143, DOI: 10.1007/s11134-021-09705-y (Publisher's version) (Arxiv preprint).
N. Pappas, I. Dimitriou, Z. Chen, (2021). On the Benefits of Network-level Cooperation in IoT Networks with Aggregators. Performance Evaluation, vol. 147, pp. 1-17 (Arxiv preprint).
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2021). A Random Access G-network: Stability, Stable Throughput, and Queueing Analysis. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 35 (1), pp. 111-137, DOI: (Arxiv preprint).
M. Saxena, I. Dimitriou, S. Kapodistria, (2020). Analysis of the shortest relay queue policy in a cooperative random access network with collisions. Queueing Systems 94, Issue 1-2, pp 39-75 (Arxiv preprint).
I. Dimitriou, (2019). Stationary Analysis of a Tandem Queue with Coupled Processors Subject to Global Breakdowns. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 11688, pp. 240-259 [arXiv:1903.02797 version].
I. Dimitriou, (2019). On the power series approximations of a structured batch arrival two-class retrial system with weighted fair orbit queues. Performance Evaluation 132, pp. 38-56,, August 2019 [arXiv:1806.02033 version].
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2019). Performance Analysis of a Cooperative Wireless Network with Adaptive Relays. Ad Hoc Networks 87, 157-173 [arXiv:1710.05748 version].
I. Dimitriou, (2018). A two-class queueing system with constant retrial policy and general class dependent service times. European Journal of Operational Research 270 (3), pp. 1063-1073 [arXiv:1802:07451 version].
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2018). Stable Throughput and Delay Analysis of a Random Access Network With Queue-Aware Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), pp. 3170-3184 [arXiv:1704:02902 version]
N. Pappas, Z. Chen, I. Dimitriou, (2018). Throughput and Delay Analysis of Wireless Caching Helper Systems with Random Availability. IEEE Access 6 (1), pp. 9667-9678.
E. Morozov, I. Dimitriou, (2017). Stability Analysis of a Multiclass Retrial System with Coupled Orbit Queues. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 10497, pp. 85-98.
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2017). Stable Throughput and Delay Analysis of a Channel-Aware Adaptive Random Access Wireless Network. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 10378, pp. 63-80.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). Modeling and Analysis of a Relay-Assisted Cooperative Cognitive Network. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 10378, pp. 47-62.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). Dynamic balancing in finite processor sharing queues
with guard bandwidth policy, multiclass retrial users
and signals. Performance Evaluation 114, pp. 1-15.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). A queueing system for modeling cooperative wireless networks with coupled relay nodes and synchronized packet arrivals. Performance Evaluation 114, pp. 16-31.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). A two class retrial system with coupled orbit queues. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 31 (2), pp. 139-179.
G. Fortetsanakis, I. Dimitriou, M. Papadopouli, (2017). A Game-Theoretical Analysis of Wireless Markets using Network Aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16(3), pp. 602-616.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). A retrial queue to model a two-relay cooperative wireless system with simultaneous packet reception. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol. 9845, pp 123-139.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). A queueing model with two types of retrial customers and
paired services. Annals of Operations Research 238 (1), pp. 123-143.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). Queueing analysis of the DRX power saving mechanism in fault-tolerant 3GPP LTE wireless networks. Annals of Operations Research 239(2), pp. 521-552
I. Dimitriou, S. Alouf, A. Jean-Marie, (2015). A Markovian queueing system for
modeling a smart green base station. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), vol 9272, pp. 3-18.
I. Dimitriou, (2015). Performance modeling of cellular systems with finite processor sharing queues in random environment, guard policy and flex retrial users.
Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol 9081, pp. 43-58.
I. Dimitriou, (2015). A retrial queue for modelling fault-tolerant performance systems with checkpointing and rollback-recovery. Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol 79, pp. 156-167.
I. Dimitriou, (2014). A queueing system with probabilistic inhomogeneous vacations for modeling power-saving in wireless systems with retransmissions. In: Czachorski T., Gelenbe E., Lent R. (eds) Information Sciences and Systems 2014. Springer, Cham.
I. Dimitriou, (2014). A modified vacation queueing model and its application on the Discontinuous Reception power saving mechanism in unreliable Long Term Evolution networks. Performance Evaluation, vol 77, pp. 37-56.
I. Dimitriou, (2013). A batch arrival priority queue with recurrent repeated demands, admission control and hybrid failure recovery discipline. Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol 219 (24), pp 11327-11340.
I. Dimitriou. (2013). A mixed priority retrial queue with negative arrivals, unreliable server and multiple vacations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol 37(3), pp 1295-1309.
I. Dimitriou, (2013). Analysis of a priority retrial queue with dependent vacation scheme and application to energy saving in wireless communication systems. The Computer Journal, vol 56 (11), pp 1363-1380 (online first 2012).
I. Dimitriou. (2013). A preemptive resume priority retrial queue with state dependent arrivals, unreliable server and negative customers. TOP, vol 21 (3), pp 542-571 (online first 2011).
C. Langaris, I. Dimitriou. (2010). A queueing system with n-phases of service and (n-1)-types of retrial customers, European Journal of Operational Research, vol 205, Issue 3, pp 638-649.
I. Dimitriou, C. Langaris. (2010). A repairable queueing model with two-phase service, start-up times and retrial customers, Computers and Operations Research, vol 37, Issue 7, pp 1181-1190.
I. Dimitriou, C. Langaris. (2009). A queueing model with start-up/close-down times and retrial customers, Stochastic Models, vol 25, Issue 2, pp 248-269.
I. Dimitriou, C. Langaris. (2008). Analysis of a retrial queue with two-phase service and server vacations, Queueing Systems, vol 60 (1-2), pp 111-129.
Submitted/Under review/In preparation
I. Dimitriou, On generalized Markov-dependent queueing and risk models based on copulas. In preparation, November 2024.
I. Dimitriou, Join the shortest orbit queue with priorities. Under submission, March 2022.
I. Dimitriou, On the Symmetric Join the Shortest Queue G-Network, Under submission, October 2019.
Papers in refereed conferences
I. Dimitriou (2024). On dual risk models with dependence structure, Accepted in 33rd European Conference
on Operational Research (EURO 2024), 30th June – 3rd July 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark.
I. Dimitriou (2023). On a retrial queue with impatient customers and dependencies, 13th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2023), 7 December 2023 (online event), Tomsk University, Russia.
I. Dimitriou (2023). On some reflected autoregressive processes with dependencies, 21st INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, June 28-30, 2023 in Nancy, France.
I. Dimitriou (2022). The asymmetric join the shortest orbit queue: Analysis via a dimensionality reduction. (Short paper, ACM Digital Library) in 15th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation
Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS '22), November 16-18, 2022
Ghent, Belgium.
I. Dimitriou (2021). The Join the Shortest Orbit Queue System with a Finite Priority Line. 26th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications
(ASMTA 2021) Online event, Japan, December 13-14, 2021.
I. Dimitriou (2021). The M/G/1 retrial queue with event-dependent arrivals. 13th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2021), 6-8 December 2021, CMS College (Autonomous), Kottayam, India.
I. Dimitriou (2021). The generalized join the shortest queue system with retrials: Stability, exact tail asymptotics and stationary approximations. 13th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics (WRQ 2021), 6-8 December 2021, CMS College (Autonomous), Kottayam, India.
I. Dimitriou (2021). Stationary analysis of the Join the Shortest Orbit Queue with a Priority Line. Accepted in EURO 2021 Athens conference, 11-14 July 2021, Athens, Greece.
I. Dimitriou, T. Phung-Duc (2020). Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks with Cooperative Communication. (Short paper, ACM Digital Library) in 13th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation
Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS '20), May 18--20, 2020, Tsukuba, Japan, DOI: 10.1145/3388831.3388859.
I. Dimitriou (2019). Stationary Analysis of a Tandem Queue with Coupled Processors Subject to Global Breakdowns. Accepted for presentation in 14th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA 2019),
Ghent, August 27-29, 2019.
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2019). A queue-based random access scheme in network-level
cooperative wireless networks. Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Mobile and Wireless Networks Symposium, 20-24 May 2019, Shanghai, China (Acceptance rate 39%).
I. Dimitriou, E. Morozov, T. Morozova, (2019). A multiclass retrial system with
coupled orbits and service interruptions: verification of stability conditions. In Proceedings FRUCT24, Moscow, Russia, 8-12 April 2019.
E. Morozov, T. Morozova, I. Dimitriou, (2018). Simulation of multiclass retrial system
with coupled orbits. In Proceedings SMARTY 2018, pp. 6-16, 21-25 September 2018, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia.
N. Pappas, I. Dimitriou, Z. Chen, (2018). Network-level Cooperation in Random Access IoT Networks with Aggregators. Accepted in the 30th International Teletraffic Congress, Vienna, Austria, 4 - 7 September 2018 (Proceedings in IEEE Explore)
M. Saxena, I. Dimitriou, S. Kapodistria, (2018) Analysis of the shortest relay queue policy in a cooperative random access network. Accepted for presentation in the 3nd European Conference on Queueing Theory (ECQT 2018), Jerusalem, Israel, 2-4 July 2018.
I. Dimitriou, (2018). Performance modelling of a two-user interference-limited random access network with collisions. Accepted in the Stochastic Networks Conference 2018, Poster session, Edinburgh, UK, June 25-29, 2018.
I. Dimitriou, (2018). Queueing models with state-dependent parameters: New
results and applications to next generation communication networks.
Accepted in the 7th meeting of the EURO Working Group on
Stochastic Modelling (StochMod 2018), Lancaster, UK, June 13-15, 2018.
I. Dimitriou, K. Katsanou, (2018). Stationary analysis of an adaptive two-class retrial
system under the join the shortest orbit queue policy. Accepted in the 7th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modelling
(StochMod 2018), Lancaster, UK, June 13-15, 2018.
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2018). Performance Analysis of an Adaptive Queue-Aware Random Access Scheme with Random Traffic. Accepted for presentation in IEEE ICC 2018 Wireless Networking Symposium (Acceptance rate 39.99%).
I. Dimitriou, T. Phung-Duc, (2018). A Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem for single-server systems with two queues for blocked and feedback customers. AIP Conference Proceedings 1978 (1), 190004 (2018);
E. Morozov, I. Dimitriou, (2017). Stability Analysis of a Multiclass Retrial System with Coupled Orbit Queues. Accepted for presentation in the 14th
European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW 2017) Berlin, Germany,
September 7-8 2017.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). A system with coupled processors and simultaneous arrivals. AIP Conference Proceedings 1863, 200007 (2017); doi: (Proceedings of SAMMA 2016, ICNAAM)
I. Dimitriou, N. Pappas, (2017). Stable Throughput and Delay Analysis of a Channel-Aware Adaptive Random Access Wireless Network. Accepted in the 24rd International Conference on Analytical &
Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2017), Newcastle, UK.
I. Dimitriou, (2017). Performance analysis of a relay-assisted cooperative cognitive network. Accepted in the 24rd International Conference on Analytical &
Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2017), Newcastle, UK.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). A retrial queue to model a two-relay cooperative wireless system with simultaneous packet reception. Accepted in the 23rd International Conference on Analytical &
Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2016), Cardiff, Wales, UK.
24-26 August 2016.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). Two-class retrial queues for modeling cooperative wireless networks with coupled relay nodes, Accepted for presentation in the 11th International Workshop on Retrial
queues (WRQ 2016), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 31-September 2, 2016.
I. Dimitriou, (2016). A queueing system to model cooperative wireless networks with coupled relay nodes and simultaneous packet reception. Accepted for presentation in the 2nd
European Conference on Queueing Theory (ECQT 2016), Toulouse, France, 18-20 July 2016.
I. Dimitriou, (2015). A two-class retrial system with coupled orbit queues. 18th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference held on
the campus of Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey.
July 5th - 8th, 2015.
I. Dimitriou, S. Alouf, A. Jean-Marie, (2015). A Markovian queueing system for
modeling a smart green base station. Presented in the 12th
European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW 2015) Madrid, Spain,
31 August and 1 September, 2015.
I. Dimitriou, (2015). Performance modeling of cellular systems with finite processor sharing queues in random environment, guard policy and
ex retrial users.
Presented in 22nd International Conference on Analytical &
Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2015), Albena, Bulgaria, 26-29 May 2015.
I. Dimitriou, (2015). On a two coupled processor system with negative customers. 10th International Conference on Stochastic
Models of Manufacturing and Service Operations - SMMSO 2015, Volos, Greece, 1-6 June 2015.
I. Dimitriou, (2014). A retrial queue with two-types of customers and paired services. Accepted for presentation at the First European Conference on Queueing Theory (ECQT 2014), Ghent, Belgium, 20-22 August 2014.
I. Dimitriou, (2014). A queueing system with probabilistic inhomogeneous vacations for modeling power-saving in wireless systems with retransmissions. Accepted for presentation at the 29th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Krakow, Poland, October 27-28th, 2014.
I. Dimitriou, (2012). Analysis of a priority retrial queue with dependent vacation scheme and application to energy saving in wireless communication systems. Presented in 9th International Workshop on Retrial Queues (WRQ), Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain, 28-30 June 2012.
I. Dimitriou, (2012). An unreliable vacation queueing model and its application on the DRX mechanism for power saving in 3GPP LTE. Imperial College Energy and Performance Colloquium (ICEP 2012), Imperial College London, 29 May-1 June 2012.
I. Dimitriou, C. Langaris, (2008). A queueing system with n phases of service, vacations and retrial customers. 7th International Workshop on Retrial Queues, Athens, Greece, July 17-19, 2008.
Other publications
I. Dimitriou. (2009). A gated type multiclass retrial queue with structured batch arrivals, priorities and vacations. Technical Report, Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, Number 20, Volume June-December 2009, pp 1-13.
I. Dimitriou. (2012). A multiserver queue with vacations and timers in Markovian environment for managing energy consumption in data centers. Imperial College, Technical report, May 2012.
I am a regular reviewer for the following peer review journals
Computers and Operations Research
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Central European Journal of Operational Research
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Operational Research
Queueing Systems
Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Communication Letters
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE Access
IEEE Systems
OR Spectrum
TOP Transactions in Operations Research (Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO))
Journal of Operations Research Society (JORS)
Annals of Operations Research
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
Performance Evaluation
Applied Mathematics and Computation
European Journal of Operational Research
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Computer Networks
Wireless Networks
RAIRO - Operations Research
ACM Transactions on
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS)
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Annals of Telecommunications
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
AMS Mathematical Reviews
International Journal of Electronics
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Edited Conference proceedings
Ballarini, P., Castel, H., Dimitriou, I., Iacono, I., Phung-Duc, T., Walraevens, J., Eds., Proceedings of the 17th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW 2021) and the 26th International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications
(ASMTA 2021), "Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling", Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13104,
Phung-Duc, T. and Dimitriou, I., Eds., Proceedings of Symposium on Stochastic Models: Methods and Applications (SAMMA 2016 within the ICNAAM 2016, Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September 2016.), AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1863, 200001, 2017. [DOI: 10.1063/1.4992372]
Phung-Duc, T. and Dimitriou, I. and Vatamidou, E. Eds., Proceedings of Symposium on Stochastic Models: Methods and Applications (SAMMA 2017 within the ICNAAM 2017, 25-30 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.), AIP Conference Proceedings 1978(1):190001. [DOI: 10.1063/1.5043828]
Organiser of the stream "Performance Evaluation of Queues" for the EURO
2022, 3-6 July 2022, Espoo, Finland (with Oualid Jouini (Centrale Supe'lec,
Universite' Paris-Saclay, Paris, France) and Benjamin Legros (EM Normandie,
Laboratoire Me'tis, Paris, France)).
Session organiser for the EURO 2021 Athens conference, 11-14 July 2021, Athens, Greece in the stream "Performance Evaluation of Queues" organized by Baris Balcioglu. Session title: "Queues, random walks and related models: Methods and Apllications"
Co-Organizer of the 2nd Symposium on Stochastic Models: Methods and Applications (SAMMA 2017), 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 25-30 September 2016, The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece (with with Dr. Tuan Phung-Duc (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan), and Dr. Eleni Vatamidou University of Lausanne, Switzerland) ).
Co-Organizer of the 1st Symposium on Stochastic Models: Methods and Applications (SAMMA 2016), 14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 19-25 September 2016, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece (with with Dr. Tuan Phung-Duc (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan)).
Referee for Research Proposals
Research Foundation -- Flanders (FWO), Belgium (2017, 2018) [Website.
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Greece (2017, Research
Projects for Postdoctoral Researchers) [Website.
Invited talks
I. Dimitriou. (2023). A finite compensation procedure for a certain class of two-dimensional random walks (Joint work with Ivo Adan). Cohen Centennial 2023, Applied Probability workshop, Eurandom, TU/e Eindhoven, NL, 28-29 August 2023.
I. Dimitriou. (2023). On queues and reflected autoregressive processes with dependencies. Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing, SMACS Group, Ghent University, Belgium, 15 June 2023.
I. Dimitriou. (2019). Interacting queues in the modelling of modern telecommunication systems. Dept. of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 November 2019
I. Dimitriou. (2016). Two-class retrial queues for modeling cooperative wireless networks with coupled relay nodes. MAESTRO group, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France, 7 September 2016
I. Dimitriou. (2013). Multiclass retrial queues with preemptive priorities. Invited talk in the 7th Young European Queueing Theorists (YEQT IIV) workshop held in EURANDOM, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 4-5-6, 2013.
I. Dimitriou. (2013). Performance Analysis of the Discontinuous Reception
(DRX) power saving method in 3GPP LTE: A queueing perspective. FORTH-Institute of Computer Science, Herakleion-Greece, 24 January 2013.
I. Dimitriou. (2012). Applied probability applications. Department of Mathematical Sciences. University of Essex, 20 March 2012.
I. Dimitriou. (2011). Mixed priority retrial queues with negative arrivals. Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, Greece.
Academic invitations
Inria, MAESTRO Group, Sophia-Antipolis, France. September 4-9, 2016. Host: K. Avrachenkov.
TU/e, Stochastics Group, Eindhoven, Netherlands. May 28-June 11, 2017. Host: S. Kapodistria, O. Boxma.
Dept. of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. November 27-28, 2019. Host: G. Tsaklidis, A. Papadopoulou.
Ghent University, Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing, Ghent, Belgium. One month visit grant (June 2023). Host: D. Fiems.
June 2018. Awarded Travel Grant to participate in the 7th meeting of the EURO Working Group on
Stochastic Modelling (StochMod 2018), Lancaster, UK, June 13-15, 2018.
Marie Curie Fellow, ERCIM Alain
Bensoussan Fellowship Programme, co-funded by the European Commission
under the FP7 Marie-Curie action named ABCDE.
Post Doctoral fellowship 'Research Excellence', 1/1/2013-31/12/2013, Aristotle University of Thessalonica Research Commitee, Hosting Department: Department of Mathematics, Scientific Coordinator: Professor George Tsaklidis.
Supported from State Scholarships Foundation of Greece (IKY) for MSc and PhD Degree at Mathematics Department, University of Ioannina, Greece (2004-2005, 2006-2008).
M. Markou, (2016). On queueing models with impatient customers in random environment: an overview and an application. (MSc Thesis, in Greek, Nemertes DSpace).